Friday, March 1, 2013

31 Days of Training - Day One

I created a training challenge on my Shih Tzu Agility blog called 31 Days of Training.  Each day, participants practice "something" with their dog(s) - agility, obedience, tricks, manners.  Just a little bit each day makes a difference and strengthens the dog/owner bond.

Today was "Day One" - here is my training session:

Louie - worked contacts (running on a board) and weaves - channel (six poles) and weave entrances.

Note to self: It's difficult to take pictures (and train).  Just don't have enough free arms.  Use the tripod and the remote.

Teddy: Worked weaves (send thru the channel weaves) using the Ready Treat remote trainer.

Annie: Couldn't wait for her turn.  Was so excited she nearly jumped off of the back of the couch into the training area.  We worked on obedience - heeling and recalls.

Day 1 = Success!  Looking forward to Day 2.


  1. Good reminder.....I need to get back to training Abbi.

  2. I'm always impressed and amazed by those agility trials I see on TV. the dog human communication is so awesome. Good luck with your training.

  3. So cute - and I can only imagine how challenging it would be to work with the dogs and try to photograph them at the same time.
