Wednesday, April 3, 2013

National Walking Day

Today was National Walking Day.  I participated in a local event over my lunch hour.  I brought my camera and explored the area where I work.


  1. Love the old guy on the bench. You can tell, if you sat beside him, he would appear to be looking fondly, right at you.

  2. Honestly, it seems you could sit right down and have a chat with Lincoln. Nice lunch time walk. Inspires me to get off my duff and sign up this year for the Scott Kelby Photo Walk.

  3. Love going on photo walk during lunch time! Great shots!

  4. Great architectural shots! I have a shot up that I took on a walk today too! ;) Love that Lincoln statue.

  5. Ha! I thought he looked like Lincoln but didn't want to say so in case I was wrong...Okay, okay, I'm a Canadian...
