Getting ready for the State Fair, I've been working on selecting and editing a photo for my submission into the amateur photography division. I finally decided on a photo of Teddy, the one I have used for the
I Heart Faces challenge they held for pets. (You can see the original submission
here.) I also submitted it to one of
Pioneer Woman's photography challenges. (Note to self: I wish I would have submitted something for her camera phone challenge!)
It has not won anything. (Except for being pinned a few times on Pinterest ... which I admit, is flattering.) That sounds promising for the fair, right?
It is. I have gone back and re-edited the original image and made it better. (At least I hope I made it better.) The subject itself makes me say "awww" every time, but the image needed some polishing to make it stand out even more.
Here's how the photo has morphed:
Original: How I have been submitting it before.
Played with the colors a bit and sharpened it a bit and came up with this. Also cloned out the stray hairs on the left near his ear. Still needed something.
FINAL image: Re-worked the exposure so that there weren't blown white areas on his head and body. Re-cropped it using the Rule of Thirds. That's better!
Here they are side-by-side. (Now you don't have to keep scrolling up and down.)
The image has been submitted for printing and will be framed. (I'm putting my framing skills back to work! I worked in a frame shop in college.) Looking forward to getting the finished print back.
I don't expect to win anything, but entering has pushed me to create something that I feel is worthy of sharing the wall space with many other talented photographers in the state. I will also give me a nice framed print to hang in my home when the show's over.
And to tell you the truth, I've paid for professional portrait sessions for my dogs where I didn't get a photo as sweet as this one. It really captures Teddy's laid-back personality. Can't ask for more!